Romans 6:17-18

"But thanks be to God that though you were doulos of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became doulos of righteousness."

June 27, 2014

What the Heck Is Doulos Academy?!?

Welcome to my new world of homeschooling!  As you can see, I moved on from the realm of preschool and I've ventured into the Grammar Stage of the Trivium.  For all you non-classical folks, I intend to add a link to the right with a brief explanation of my approach to classical education that also includes an explanation of the Trivium.

But what the heck is Doulos Academy and what does is have to do with my homeschooling?  Well, I like to imagine that my time spent educating my kids is an actual school, and every school needs a name!  Doulos is the Greek word for "bond-servant" which is so much more than just a loyal slave.  It is an attitude and act of complete surrender of your will to becoming the will of your master.  As the verse above explains, we were doulos of sin before Christ died and gave us the freedom to become doulos of Him.  And that is really what I am trying to accomplish by homeschooling my kids.  I don't share the post-modern agenda of education that stresses hours and hours of academic instruction for the acquisition of as much academic content as possible while their brains are young and malleable.  I want my kids to gain knowledge that they can apply in order to become a doulos.  As Walt Henrichsen once wrote:

“Knowledge has no intrinsic worth, but rather must be used in pursuit of truth.  Knowledge may be a part of truth, but is worthless apart from truth.  If not careful, the quest for knowledge can be a guise of idolatry, producing arrogance rather than humility.  When you make knowledge an end in itself, it is destructive of truth.  Truth always has as its goal application.”

So welcome to Doulos Academy where you will find a list of all the books we use along with all my weekly lesson plans attached (eventually) to the right.  And if you still don't quite understand the point of Doulos Academy, allow me to flesh out its inception more thoroughly in my next post.

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